How do I stake, unstake, and withdraw my NEAR?

Discover how to stake, unstake, and withdraw NEAR tokens by following the guidelines provided in the Staking tab.

Staking NEAR

  1. Go to the Staking tab;

  2. Click "Stake my tokens";

  3. Choose your validator. There are many considerations to choosing a validator, some of which include the cost of delegation (a percentage of your rewards), the reliability of the validator (check to learn more), and the current total stake size;

  4. Click "Stake With Validator";

  5. Enter the amount to stake;

  6. Click "Submit Stake" and authorize the transactions. You may need to authorize several transactions if you are staking from a lockup.


Unstaking NEAR

Note: Unstaking will take up to 72 hours, and your NEAR will be completely locked during this time. Unstaking again before your NEAR has finished unstaking will reset the clock.

  1. Go to the Staking tab;

  2. Scroll down and find the validator you would like to unstake from in "Current Validators";

  3. Click the validator's name;

  4. Click the "Unstake" button;

  5. Enter the amount to unstake;

  6. Click "Unstake Tokens" and authorize the transactions.



  1. Go to the Staking tab;

  2. Scroll down and find the validator you would like to unstake from in "Current Validators";

  3. Click the validator's name;

  4. Click the "Withdraw" button and authorize the transactions.

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