Getting Started with NEAR wallet

The first step to embarking on your NEAR journey is to establish your very own NEAR Wallet.

With your wallet, you'll be able to create an account, transmit and receive tokens, and even design your own smart contracts. 

NEAR Wallet is a web-based crypto wallet for the NEAR blockchain that operates on a non-custodial basis.

This means that you have complete authority over your account and private keys.

It's essential to safeguard your private keys since anyone with access to them can access your account.

Here's a complete guide about how to create your NEAR wallet.

MyNearWallet is a non-custodial wallet.

This means that MNW never has access to any of your data or funds.

Your funds are stored on your device and are your responsibility and they don't track any personal identifiable information, your account addresses, or asset balance.

MyNearWallet is supported by Ledger.

There are a number of other wallets to choose from.

You can full a full selection at

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