To start earning rewards by staking NEAR, ensure that you select the account from which you would like to stake. In case you have multiple accounts, make sure to choose the appropriate one.
1 -Navigate to the wallet page and click on the 'Stake' button at the top.
2 - Next, confirm your decision by clicking on ‘Stake My Tokens’.
3 - Choose a validator carefully. Select the validator that you trust and believe will benefit you the most.
4 - Confirm your choice by clicking on 'Stake With Validator'.
5 - Enter the amount of $NEAR that you wish to stake, and click on 'Submit Stake'.
If you’re glad with your decision, confirm transaction by clicking on ‘Confirm’.
6- Congratulations! You have successfully staked your $NEAR tokens.
Now, you just have to wait for rewards. You can find all the details about your staking activity in the staking section mentioned at the beginning of this guide